a breath of fresh air(一陣の涼風)
- 2020/09/01
- 翻訳・英語
Big Improvement Over Expensive Tri-Focals
Up until now you had to go to the eye doctor to get fitted with a fancy pair of tri-focals in order to clearly see up close, middle distance, and far away. Not only did that cost you several hundred dollars minimum, you had to wait a week or two to get your glasses, then take a few days or weeks to train your eyes to use them.
Even after struggling through the adjustment period, LOTS of people never find bi-focals and tri-focals to be comfortable. Having to tilt your head up and down to see things is awkward and, frankly, makes me feel like the old man I am LOL.(さらに、こうした調整期間を過ぎても2焦点レンズや3焦点レンズの使い方になれない人も多く、ものを見るたびに頭を上下に動かさなくてはならないのはかっこ悪く、自分がすっかり老人になったように感じるのだ。)
I found ProperFocus adjustable focus reading glasses to be a breath of fresh air. With one pair you can CLEARLY see detailed view of both up close and far away. It’s the affordable vision correction most of us need for a more rewarding life. (だがProperFocuは焦点の調整が楽にできるので、この眼鏡1つで遠くも近くもはっきりと見え、充実した生活を送るために必要な視力矯正が得られる。この多焦点老眼鏡はまるで一陣の涼風のように感じられる。)
eyeglasses with lenses that have three regions which correct for distance, intermediate (arm’s length), and near vision. (遠近中距離に合わせた3種類の度数のレンズを持つメガネ)
ProperFocus let you get a perfect custom magnification simply by adjusting the little dials on the ends of the frames. (両端についたつまみを調整するだけで、その場に応じてぴったり合った度数を選ぶことができる)